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Guldax, 1918-1939. LCA Collection 85. ½ Hollinger box.
Guldax, also known as Guldax: ett Månadsblad i Guds Rikes Tjänst (The Golden Ear: Monthly Paper in God’s Kingdom Service), Guldax: Organ för Bethphage Inre Missionsförening (Organ for Bethphage Inner Mission Association), or Guldax: Organ för de Sv. Ev. Luth. Församlingarna i Kearney-Distriktet af Nebraska Konferensen (Organ for the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Congregations in Kearney District of Nebraska Conference) was the official organ for the Bethphage Mission. It was issued in both English and Swedish and reported news and activities of the Mission as well as religious articles and poetry. The periodical converted to printing only in English and changed its name to Bethphage Messenger in 1940.
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