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GACA Collection 369. Gustavus Adolphus Normal School. Enrollment Slips and Grade Reports of the Normal School, 1895-1899: Overview

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Collection Description

Gustavus Adolphus Normal School.  Enrollment Slips and Grade Reports of the Normal School, 1895-1899.  GACA Collection 369.  2 folders.

The Gustavus Adolphus Normal School collection contains enrollment slips grade reports for nine students who attended the school.  Enrollment slips are for Emil Theodore Benzon, Lilly H. Erickson, Anna Garrivch, Hilma Hultgren, Henry Edwin Malberg, Marie S. Sigurdson, and Lydia C. Warling who all enrolled during 1898-99.  Grade reports for Frans Oscar Anderson and Oscar William Oberg are from the 1895 fall semester.  The Normal School existed from 1894-1908.

Historical Note

The Gustavus Adolphus Academy offered a Normal course.  The program involved three years of the High School course and one further year of Normal classes to become a qualified teacher.  In 1894, the Normal School (sometimes called the Normal Department) was created.  The intent was to prepare students to teach in either public or parochial schools.  Coursework included Bible, English, Swedish, Latin, mathematics, physiology, physical geography, pedagogics, civics, history, expression, physics, and psychology.  In 1902 the Normal School changed its name to the School of Pedagogy.  The School of Pedagogy closed in 1908, and education classes were taught in the Psychology and Education Department of Gustavus Adolphus College.

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