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GACA Collection 214. Chaplain’s Office. Collection of the Chaplain’s Office, 1891-Ongoing: Overview

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Collection Description

Chaplain’s Office.  Collection of the Chaplain’s Office, 1891-Ongoing.  GACA Collection 214.  8 Records Center Cartons, 3 flat boxes, 1 Hollinger box, and digital media.

The Chaplain’s Office collections contains guest books from Christ Chapel, programs from Daily and Sunday services, transcripts of homilies, and recordings from chapel services, both in audio and video formats.  The collection begins in the 1940s and continues to the present.

Historical Note

The Chaplain’s Office helps to fulfill the College Mission to foster in students a mature understanding of the Christian faith.  This happens through different types of worship and events that take place in Christ Chapel.

“The Chaplains' Office seeks to serve the entire Gustavus community — students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends.  The center of our ministry is the worship of God rooted in the Lutheran Christian tradition. At the same time, we value and support ecumenical cooperation and interfaith dialogue - key commitments that are historically significant in the Lutheran tradition.

Christ Chapel is also a learning place where the Gustavus community can experience music from around the world, listen to homilies from a variety of perspectives, and gather together during significant personal and corporate life passages.”

“Christ Chapel was finished in the fall of 1961 and the first service was held on September 10, 1961.  The plans for the Chapel were prepared by the architectural firm of Setter, Leach & Lindstrom of Minneapolis. Harry Gerrish was the designer, the George E. Carlstrom Construction Company of Mankato was the general contractor, and Harold Rhykus was the construction superintendent.”

*Taken from Chaplain’s Office website on 9 March 2010.

Scope and Content

This collection is divided into five sections: guest books; programs; homilies; Chapel service recordings; and miscellaneous.

Guest Books holds books signed by guests in Christ Chapel.

Programs contains programs from services held in Christ Chapel.  They were originally organized by calendar year but changed to school year in 1986.

Homilies consists of transcripts and notes from homilies, talks, and sermons given during Chapel services.

Chapel Service Recordings is made up of recordings of chapel services.  These are on reel-to-reel and audio cassette.

Miscellaneous has a sound recording of the Christ Chapel dedication from 1962 and planning and construction materials for Christ Chapel from 1957-1964.

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