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GACA Collection 307. Office of Institutional Advancement, Alumni Relations. Class Reunions, 1895-Ongoing: Overview

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Collection Description

Office of Institutional Advancement, Alumni Relations.  Class Reunions, 1895-Ongoing.  GACA Collection 307.  1 Records Center Carton, 2 Hollinger boxes, 1 flat box, and digital media.

The Class Reunions collection contains booklets, schedules, and many other materials from numerous class reunions starting with the class of 1903 and continuing to the class of 1988.  Some classes have materials on multiple reunions, such as their 25th and 50th celebrations.  Also included are a scrapbook for the 50th anniversary of the class of 1934 and another scrapbook for the 50th reunion of the class of 1935.  Both scrapbooks contain photographs of their respective classes along with schedules, maps, newspaper clippings, and transcripts of speeches given during the reunions.  The scrapbook for the class of 1935 also contains correspondence between various classmates after the reunion.

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