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GACA Collection 361. Academic Operations Committee. Records of the Academic Operations Committee, 1997-Ongoing: Overview

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Collection Description

Academic Operations Committee.  Records of the Academic Operations Committee, 1997-Ongoing.  GACA Collection 361.  2 Hollinger boxes.

The Academic Operations Committee (AOC) collection contains primarily minutes and e-mail correspondence.  Also included are some discussions and proposals on large subjects within the committee.  There are also some minutes and correspondence from one of the AOC’s subcommittees, IIAC (Instructional Infrastructure Advisory Committee).  The IIAC was renamed and became a new committee in 2010.  It is currently the Academic Technology Committee (ATC).  New materials will be added to this collection when available.

Organization Note

The functions of the Academic Operations Committee are:

  1. To review and recommend procedures for registration, scheduling classes, advising of students, making up calendars and catalogs, and other academic operations.
  2. To review and recommend policies concerning the Library, internship program, and instructional infrastructure.
  3. To review and recommend policies and procedures regarding admissions, enrollment, and financial aid.
  4. To review and recommend policies regarding grading, recognition for academic achievement (including Dean’s List and President’s List, Honors Day, Latin honors, and commencement), the Honor Code, academic probation, and eligibility for extracurricular activities.
  5. To review and recommend candidates for graduation.
  6. To conduct appropriate continuing self-study of academic policies and programs.
  7. To nominate candidates for the Grade Appeals Board and the Honor Board. *

*Taken from the Faculty Handbook (Yellow Pages), 8-24-2010.


The Subcommittee functions of the Instructional Infrastructure Advisory Committee are:

  1. To review and recommend policies and create strategic plans related to curricular, departmental, student, faculty, and other academic usage of information technology.
  2. To advise the Budget Committee on long and short-term implications related to academic information technology budgeting issues.
  3. To review and recommend requests beyond those funded through departmental or other funds for information technology hardware and software for faculty, academic departments, classrooms, and teaching labs to the Provost and the Director of Instructional/Media Services.
  4. To assist Gustavus Technology Services (especially Instructional/Media Services) in the planning and implementation of information technology initiatives when they related to academic infrastructure.
  5. To promote communication among the faculty, GTS, and the Library.**

**Taken from the Faculty Handbook (Yellow Pages), 2009-10.

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