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GACA Collection 385. St. Ansgar's Academy. Records of St. Ansgar's Academy, East Union, Carver County, Minnesota, 1863-1876: Overview

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Collection Description

St. Ansgar's Academy.  Records of St. Ansgar's Academy, East Union, Carver County, Minnesota, 1863-1876.  GACA Collection 385.  7 folders.

The St. Ansgar’s Academy collection contains an account book, Board of Directors meeting minutes, enrollment information, and student records.  St. Ansgar’s Academy, a school catering primarily to the children of Swedish Lutheran immigrants, opened in East Union, Carver County, Minnesota in 1863.  The academy moved from East Union to St. Peter during 1876 and was renamed Gustavus Adolphus College.

Historical Note

St. Ansgar’s Academy opened in 1863 at East Union, Carver County, Minnesota, where it remained until 1876.  It continued a school founded in 1862 at Red Wing by Dr. Eric Norelius and served primarily as a prepatory school for those wishing to enter teaching or the ministry.  It was owned and largely controlled by the Lutheran Minnesota Conference of the Augustana Synod, which approved members of its board of directors, received reports annually from both its president and board president, provided financial backing, and had a say in its operation.  In 1876, the school moved to St. Peter, where it was renamed Gustavus Adolphus College.

During its thirteen year existence at East Union, St. Ansgar’s Academy was known variously as Minnesota Elementarskola, St. Ansgarii Skola, and Minnesota Prepatory School.  Occasionally it is referred to as “Swede School.”

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