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Curriculum Committee. Records of the Curriculum Committee, 1965-Ongoing. GACA Collection 422. 1 ½ Hollinger boxes.
The Records of the Curriculum Committee collection consists primarily of meeting minutes and related materials. Related materials include email correspondence, memos, department and subcommittee reports, proposals for changes in majors/minors, changes in General Education Requirements, etc. The earliest materials are from the 1965 Instructional Research Committee.
“The Curriculum Committee serves as the primary curricular planning body for the faculty, responsible for recommending to the faculty policies and programs that affect the college in general and for reviewing and recommending departmental, interdepartmental, and interdisciplinary programs and policies. The Curriculum Committee also approves new and revised semester and Interim Experience courses, General Education Area courses, Writing courses, and First Term Seminars.”
*Taken from (February 2018)
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