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GACA Collection 471. Pan African Student Organization. Collection of the Pan African Student Organization (PASO), 2022-Ongoing: Overview

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Collection Description

Pan African Student Organization.  Collection of the Pan African Student Organization (PASO), 2022-Ongoing.  GACA Collection 471.  Digital media.

The Pan African Student Organization collection consists mainly of digital images from events hosted by the group.  These include Africa Night, Kwanzaa, and a barbeque.

Organization Note

According to the PASO constitution, the purpose of the organization is: 

to promote cultures of the African homeland and Diaspora, support each other to the utmost of our ability, uphold, cherish, and embrace African cultures, love each other as we love ourselves, and welcome non-African members while still holding true to the practice and belief of the unity of the Black heart, the Black mind, the Black body, and the Black soul.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0