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LCA Collection 151. Augustana Synod. Association of English Churches. Convention Minutes of the Association of English Churches, 1915-1917: Overview

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Collection Description

Augustana Synod.  Association of English Churches.  Convention Minutes of the Association of English Churches, 1915-1917.  LCA Collection 151.  1 folder.

The Minutes of the Augustana Synod Association of English Churches includes the minutes of the eighth, ninth, and tenth conventions.  Recorded are reports of mission activity and news of the synod, as well as lists of the congregations involved.  The Association of English Churches was formed within the Augustana Synod in 1908 as a minority group within the larger Swedish speaking body.

Historical Note

The majority of Augustana Synod congregations used Swedish as their primary language. The influence of World War I caused a national shift in patriotism, and consequently the English language was utilized more prevalently in many churches of the Augustana Synod for church services and in conducting business.

Information from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America archives  28 January 2013

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