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LCA Collection 257. Arrhenius, Gustaf Emil. Manuscript Notebook and Historical Notes Based on Rector P. Kerfstedt by Gustaf Arrhenius, 1876-1882: Overview

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Collection Description

Arrhenius, Gustaf Emil.  Manuscript Notebook and Historical Notes Based on Rector P. Kerfstedt by Gustaf Arrhenius, 1876-1882.  LCA Collection 257.  1 folder.

The Gustaf Emil Arrhenius collection contains a manuscript notebook written by him based on Rector P. Kerfstedt in 1876 in Uppsala, Sweden.  The notebook was continued by Theodor Kjillgren also in Uppsala in 1882.  Entries by Arrhenius and Kjillgren are in Swedish.  In addition, an English language sermon outline was added by a third unknown hand.  Swedish language historical notes, consisting of seven leaves, were also inserted into the notebook, the author of which is unknown.

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