Friends of the Library-Gustavus Library Associates (GLA) underwrites two important student ventures emphasizing the use of library resources. Given in alternate years, both of these awards are named in honor of the founder and first president of GLA.
Explore past Lindell Scholar Projects and Research Papers below.
Increasing the Visibility of GustieScholar: Proposal to the John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning (Ainsley Langerud)
Ainsley Langerud, a Senior History major with minors in Political Science and Film & Media Studies, explored ways in which to leverage GustieScholar, the institutional repository of Gustavus Adolphus College, to promote the creative outputs of faculty and students. Langerud undertook a comparative analysis exploring the ways in which other colleges and universities make visible and use their institutional repositories to promote campus research. During this process, Langerud explored scholarly publishing practices and learned about the opportunities and challenges related to Open Access. This work culminated in a proposal to the John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning that outlined the need to create easier navigation from the College's homepage to GustieScholar as a means to recruit and retain faculty and students. Additionally, it proposed longer-term initiatives, including departmental research liaisons and improved communication mechanisms for soliciting submissions to the institutional repository.
Creation of a LibGuide to Jewish Studies & Processing Donation of Jewish Studies Books (Allison James)
In order to facilitate increased understanding and study of Jewish religion and culture and promote awareness of a major donation to Gustavus Library's Judaica Studies collection, senior religion and biology major Allison James undertook the creation of a research guide to Judaica studies and assisted in processing materials for the collection. The guide outlines diverse Jewish identities from a culturally relativist perspective, and highlights Jewish beliefs, customs, and history as well as ancient and modern Jewish literature. The guide also incorporates a visual glossary of Judaica objects and provides resources for studying key topics such as Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah) and emancipation, the history of the state of Israel, and the Holocaust.
Improving the Library Website to Meet Student Needs (Aimen Zara)
Junior marketing major Aimen Zara analyzed the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library’s website in order to make recommendations that would render the website more easily accessible and navigable by students. Her research consisted of an initial analysis of the library’s website, a comparative analysis between our library website and those of peer institutions around the country, and the development of a targeted survey for students. The last of these will be deployed in the future, and the findings will be used to implement a plan for reorganizing the website. Aimen’s work is especially useful to the library as part of our ongoing efforts to improve the library's website, particularly as we develop strategies for supporting online and hybrid teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research in the Lived Experience of Gustavus Students (Joseph Robbins)
In this small-scale mixed-method study conducted in the spring semester of 2018, the coauthors explored the value of research experiences for students in three majors, asking through interviews and surveys whether they felt their confidence has increased during the undergraduate years, how they felt about particular research experiences, and whether they believed those experiences offered transferrable skills for encountering and evaluating information in everyday life. Faculty in those departments were also interviewed about the development of their own identities as researchers, how they engaged students in research experiences, and whether that kind of learning had value beyond the discipline. Though there were clear distinctions among the kinds of research experiences students had in the three departments reflecting distinctive disciplinary practices and traditions, some themes emerged that have implications for how departments and the library can help students engage in formalized inquiry.
Leisure Reading on Campus (Renee Yong)
Recent studies tell us that college students love to read for fun but they don't have time. What can academic libraries do to promote leisure reading on campus? Our Lindell Scholar researched best practices, analyzed current library spaces with an eye toward making them conducive to leisure reading, and produced six videos of Gusties discussing their reading habits and preferences.
2013-14 Not awarded
A Digital History of the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library (Tristan Richards)
Undergraduate Use of Library Space (Allie Skjerven)
As part of the space study undertaken by the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library in the spring of 2010, this paper will focus on the responses of eight Gustavus Adolphus College students regarding questions of physical space, virtual space, and library assistance. Though it was intended that this paper focus mainly on what could be done to improve the physical qualities of the library, a theme emerged during the course of the interview process that has broader implications for the library: how well-versed students are in using the library, and how their knowledge about using the library could be increased. Therefore, improvements for both the physical space of the library and the students’ acquaintance with the library will be discussed.
Leisure Reading at Gustavus (Amara Berthelsen)
This project was undertaken to better understand the nature of leisure reading, both at Gustavus Adolphus College and at other campuses. Specifically investigating the barriers preventing undergraduates from leisure reading, the intention of the project is to provide possible solutions that the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library can use to address these barriers.
Common Reading Programs in Higher Education (Andi Twiton)
The Reading-in-Common program here at Gustavus Adolphus College is entering its eighth year. Ever since the year 2000, incoming first-year students and their “Gustie Greeters” have been asked to read and discuss a common book as part of the college’s orientation experience. The book is selected the year before by a committee made up of faculty, staff, and students. The book is then read during the summer, discussed during first-year orientation, and, finally, students are given the opportunity to meet the author of the book part way into the fall semester. The program is quite successful and, generally, well-liked.
It Only Killed One Cat: The Role of Curiosity in the Classroom (Elizabeth Appleton)
A qualitative study about the manifestations and effects of curiosity in the classroom was conducted in two survey level English courses. A sense of connection, autonomy in work, and course grading/evaluation were found to significantly affect curiosity and student learning. Implications for librarians and the role of libraries will also be explored.
2002-03 Not awarded
Majority Muslims: Non-Arab Islam in Africa, Asia, Europe... (Carrie Reiling)
Because of the high visibility of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the United States? antagonism toward Iraq, the Muslim countries Americans identify more are the Arab countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Arab and Muslim are not synonymous, however, despite the government?s, the media?s, and the people?s perception. Because of these reasons, Western perceptions of Islam are that it is practiced by bearded Arabs who believe that the holy words should be fought for?literally. In fact, the opposite is true. The majority of Muslims live their lives with their religion much as Europeans and Americans live their lives as Christians. Includes brief descriptions of non-Arab Muslim countries and geographical areas, and a bibliography for more in-depth research.
Scott Morris
Rebuilding a Greater Gustavus: Opportunities and Enhancements Due to the March 29, 1998 Tornado (Edward T. Woolford)
On March 29, 1998, a tornado hit the town of St. Peter and the campus of Gustavus Adolphus College with a deadly and devastating force. Thankfully, no students or staff were injured, but all 59 buildings were affected in some way and 90% of the trees were destroyed. Amazingly with such devastation, rebuilding efforts began the next day. Many changes across campus occurred primarily because the rebuilding opened up opportunities for the college to move ahead quickly in areas that previously were not feasible or planned. These changes will impact the future of the Gustavus community for years to come. For this reason, data was collected, faculty interviewed and information researched and archived to document the new opportunities and accelerated enhancements the college has gained due to the aftermath of the devastating tornado that struck St. Peter in 1998.
1998-99 Not awarded
The Role of Institutional Research in Higher Education (Sarah Osgood)
This report was prepared by Sarah Osgood, winner of the competitive Patricia Lindell Scholarship, awarded annually through the generosity of the Gustavus Library Associates. Sarah's task was to study the need for institutional research on the Gustavus campus and to locate some potentially useful research resources. Shortly after she completed her report, institutional research responsibilities were formally assigned to a position in the college administration.
Report on Student Research at Gustavus Adolphus College (Michelle Anderson)
This study was undertaken to explore the role of undergraduate research at this college. The intent was to examine past and current student research activities and compile a report on the opportunities, issues, and outcomes of research as a part of the learning experience at Gustavus. Undergraduate research is a feature of the Gustavus curriculum that is highlighted in admissions materials, expressed in the catalog, rewarded through scholarships and opportunities to present at national conferences, and embedded in many majors. However, in spite of a strong record in these areas, the efforts of many members of the community to understand, nurture, and reward these activities are not well coordinated or documented.
Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library Home Page (Keith Schroeder)
This project was undertaken to fulfill the requirements of the Patricia Lindell Award. It consisted of creating a home page for the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library for use on the World Wide Web.
1994-95 Not awarded
Group Momentum in the Gustavus Library Associates (Colin Klotzbach)
The Gustavus Library Associates, a friends group, assists the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library strengthen communal bonds and heighten enthusiasm for fundraising activities. Since 1977, GLA has sponsored talks, activities during the St. Lucia festival in December and the annual Nobel Conference. The membership dues and other funds raised through the yearly run of events provide a solid, consistent income for the library acquisitions endowment, but the largest portion of funds produced have come from a major event called A Royal Affair.
An accompanying scrapbook, focusing on the 1993 GLA activities, won the American Libraries Association's John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award.
Arboreta, Gustavus Adolphus College Campus Development and Linnaeus Arboretum History (Janeen Laatsch)
The Linnaeus Arboretum of Gustavus Adolphus College belongs to a rich heritage of arboreta in our country, and symbolizes the long-term commitment of a community or institution to the care and beautification of a place. This paper will discuss the definition of an arboretum, including the factors involved in defining such an establishment. It will also discuss the considerations which must be made for the continuing support of an arboretum, and will look into the establishment and development of several arboreta which have connections with institutions of higher learning. The tradition of arboreta in our country, as well as the history of Gustavus Adolphus College, has shaped and will continue to shape the Linnaeus Arboretum.
The Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library’s Children’s Literature Collection: An Evaluative Study (Christy Ross)
During the spring of 1992 a study was conducted to evaluate the quality and depth of the Folke Bernadotte Library’s Children’s Literature Collection in order to identify specific needs and to aid the decision-making in retrospective and on-going collection efforts. The evaluation focuses on three major questions: Are books owned representative of quality standards as established by three or more review? Do books owned represent an acceptable percentage of recommended titles? Are students of children’s literature satisfied with the resources of the collection? The results indicate that the quality and quantity of the collection is adequate; however, students perceive the collection to be less than acceptable. These observations have resulted in a number of recommendations that focus on improving the general organization and accessibility of the collection. The results also indicate a need to establish a consistent acquisition policy for children’s literature materials.
Ingrid and the Quest for Security in The House with the Blind Glass Window (David Randolph)
Taking a deeper look at the character of Ingrid in Herbjorg Wassmo’s The House With the Blind Glass Window, this paper examines the character’s search for security and the ways in which she attempts to find it.
Sameatnam [Saamiland and Its People]... (Miriam Walesko)
Since perhaps a thousand authors have already written about Sameatnam (Lapland), it would be an immense task to compile all of the works. Therefore this bibliography is limited to works in English. Cites works from early 1800s to late 20th century, covering anthropology, geography, history, linguistics, religion, the arts, economics, medicine and law.
Women Authors of the Developing World: An Annotated Bibliography (Marisa Squandrito)
Particularly in the last half of this century, women all over the world have been making their voices heard after a very long silence. This bibliography is intended to provide a selective crosssection of literature by women of the developing world, in English or English translation, for professors looking for class materials, librarians building library collections, and people with personal interest. The literature included is comprised mostly of novels and short stories, autobiographical writings, poetry, and a few plays. For each of the four areas dealt with, one author was chosen for more in-depth study, not as a representative author, but as a fairly available author with at least some books still in print.
Prairie Waves (Everett Myers)
The prairie environment is a complex system of interdependent organisms. Each individual disturbs the prairie environment in some way. Ants churn up the prairie soil, rodents burrow into the soil and feed off the vegetation, and badgers, in turn, tunnel after the rodents disrupting the plants and feeding on the rodents. Although these types of disturbances occur at varying proportions and intensities, the prairie environment tends towards stability. In fact, the disturbances are what make the prairie versatile. Without constant interactions between organisms the prairie environment becomes as monotonous as the corn and soybeans fields that benefit from the rich prairie soils today. Throughout time there have been disturbances that have disrupted the "natural" balance of the prairie environment, but the prairie has always tended to repair itself through the elaborate system of checks and balances in its community. The resultant landscape stemming from these disturbances is a complex network of survivalists.
The U.S. Constitution: An Annotated Bibliography Compiled for Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library (Kim Posch)
Given its awesome role in creating the framework of national government, one would assume the American people to have carefully and diligently examined the history of the Constitution. However, the average citizen seems content to blindly accept the document without reading it or fully understanding its meaning and significance. We can use the resources listed here to learn from the Founding Fathers by understanding both what their intentions were and how they proceeded to implement them. Through tireless persistence and dedication to both practicality and ideals, these hall of fame politicians forged a framework of government strong enough to unify the states, yet malleable enough to permit growth and change.
Foreign Students at Gustavus Adolphus College (Michael Reed)
Gustavus Adolphus has always educated students born in foreign countries, beginning with its origins as a preparatory school for Swedish immigrant children in 1862. Copies of Gustaian Weekly articles document the arrival and experiences of a representative portion of college students since 1921. Survey questions answered by contemporary international students give insights into the perceptions of students in an informal setting.
Julie Kumble
Women at Gustavus...1900-1930 (Sara Thompson)
After reading material in the Gustavus archive, Thompson decided to initiate research into women on campus during 1900-1930 by conducting oral histories. Violet Mattson Towley, daughter of a former Gustavus president, spoke about her mother, Emma Olson Mattson, who acted as president?s wife with great dignity, endless patience, and a sense of humor. Clara Tederstrom served as preceptress of Johnson Hall, supervising and caring for the young women who lived there. Catherine Towley Chapman and Josephine Osborne revealed much about student life in the late 1920s. In the history of writing history, women have been overlooked as contributing members of society. Their functions, like those of Mattson and Tederstrom, are often private, quiet enterprises, unheralded, and mostly ignored as contributions.
Documents related to Sara's research are located in the College Archives.
Combinatorial Control of Histone Modifications on Alternative Splicing (Sophia Nelson)
Executive summary: Histone modifications are chemical, post-translational additions to histone proteins, and play a significant role in regulating gene expression. A prominent pathway of this regulation is through the dictation of alternative splicing patterns. Histone modifications such as methylation and acetylation can influence splicing patterns through multiple pathways. Most acetylation modifications lead to an opening of the chromatin structure, allowing for faster RNA polymerase elongation rates and therefore exon skipping. Methylation modifications may recruit transcription machinery and splicing factors, creating an adaptor system that regulates alternative splicing patterns. While some histone modifications act as discrete entities and directly contribute to alternative splicing patterns, there is overwhelming evidence that the majority of histone contributions are through a mechanism of combinatorial control. These patterns have been well characterized through statistical models that use correlative evidence to predict the combinatorial relationships within groupings of histone modifications. This combinatorial control is evident when looking at histone modifications involved in genes that dictate the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of cells. However, there are additional histone modifications that are predicted, by statistical models, to have a role in this combinatorial relationship, but the exact mechanism has not been characterized. Therefore, we propose to systematically modulate the chromatin environment surrounding these genes through intein-mediated introduction of modifications as a means to characterize this combinatorial relationship, if one exists. Moreover, we propose to derive a deterministic mathematical model based on the modifications that are known to play a direct role in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, to predict splicing patterns and therefore the phenotypic outcome of the cell. Since this phenotypic transition is characteristic of many cancers, these studies will assist in both predicting the outcome of cells based on the dynamics of histone modifications, as well as providing a means to modulate specific modifications and therapeutically regulate gene expression.
Minnesota Nice: The impacts of voter reform in the United States Midwest (Birgen Nelson & Wyatt Quiring)
Using dichotomous variables representing state voter reforms, the authors conclude that these variables do impact voter turnout in consistency with the existing scholarly literature. We analyze aggregate data on the status of Election Day Registration, polling place voting, absentee voting with and without excuse, early voting, ability of felons and ex-felons to vote, and the
status of election day as a holiday in all fifty states. The results suggest that Election Day Registration and Election day as a holiday have a positive effect on voter turnout, whereas early voting and polling place voting have a negative impact on turnout. The authors use these conclusions to explain the differences in voter turnout in the Midwestern states between election
years 2016 through 2020.
Ontological Homelessness as a Phenomenology of Belonging: Comparing the Nihilisms of Martin Heidegger and Keiji Nishitani (Anna Duong-Topp)
This analysis investigates how Kyoto School philosopher Keiji Nishitani utilizes the phenomenological framework of Martin Heidegger to express a Zen philosophical perspective on modern nihility. An articulation of this framework, called the Structure of Being, summarizes the relationship between ontology, nihilism, and German-Japanese inter-philosophy. Nihility is explored as a form of ontological homelessness, an experience that affects humanity as a whole in response to modernity. Further, this investigation emphasizes the spatial approaches to ontology which Zen serves to enhance, contrasting with overly temporal approaches often upheld by existentialists.
First Honorable Mention
Muldoon, Morgan. "The Backbone of the Vietnamese Nationalist Victory: The Motivations and Effectiveness of Vietnamese Women in the American War in Vietnam." 2018.
Second Honorable Mention
Marsolek, Marissa. "The Psychological Effects of Disclosure After a Sexual Assault." 2020.
Altered Expression of Kinetochore Proteins (CENP-A and Mad2) to Explore Chromosome Instability and Aneuploidy (Katherine Aney)
This paper reports results from laboratory experiments, a bioinformatical analysis and pharmacogenomic approaches to study altered levels of MAD2 and CENP-A. The goal was to model mechanisms that may promote cancer in C. albicans, a yeast model system. When proteins of interest were altered, growth rate differences were not explained by differences in chromosome loss rates. The paper also includes original poetry in the body of the work, which aims to communicate emotions that complement the precision of the data, analysis and science.
Honorable Mention
Trentacoste, Daniel. "Intentions and Occupation: A Comparative Analysis of American Occupation in Post-WWII Germany and Japan." 2017.
Effects of Aberrant Self-Lipid Antigen Presentation by Autoimmune B Lymphocytes on iNKT Cell Homeostasis (Cole Tucker)
Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells and B lymphocytes are crucial innate and adaptive immune cell types responsible for protection of the body from invading pathogens. B and iNKT cells work in tandem to initiate humoral immune responses against foreign organisms. This is accomplished through presentation of lipid antigens by B cells via CD1d surface molecules to iNKT cells, which recognize CD1d-presented antigens via T cell receptor (TCR) surface molecules. During times of health, B lymphocytes present endogenous self-lipid antigens via CD1d molecules to iNKT cells, which recognize the cells as ‘self’. However, in autoimmune states, B lymphocytes generate aberrant self-lipids that initiate an inappropriate immune response upon recognition by iNKT cells. The identity of such aberrant self-lipids is currently unknown so further studies need to be conducted to determine what the defective self-lipid antigens are and what genetic lesions result in their production in B lymphocytes. Knowledge of this is important because it could lead to the development of personalized treatment options for those suffering from various autoimmune conditions.
Family, Patriotism, and Land Stewardship: Employing the Rural Ideal to Champion Corn Ethanol in Minnesota (Megan Wika)
This papers argues that the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) has employed the rural ideal to frame corn ethanol as a beneficial product for Minnesotans and our environment by emphasizing the themes of family and multi-generation farming, connection the the land, and patriotism and local pride. By drawing on the concept of the rural ideal, the paper contends that the MCGA presents a picture of the corn ethanol industry that disregards important environmental problems. The image that the association conveys is one reality of corn ethanol, but it is not the only.
Jane Eyre: A Subversive Discussion of Gender, Class, and Sexuality (Anna Johnson)
In the Victorian Age, elaborate clothing was not only a sign of wealth, but deemed necessary to please and attract males as it reinforced the expectations placed on females. The restrictive, stifling dress rendered women virtually immobile, mirroring their expected submission in marriage as well as the required repression of their sexuality. Focusing on the reinforcement of gender roles, class, and sexuality through the restrictive fashion of the Victorian Age, this research paper discusses Jane Eyre’s silent rebellion against these stereotypes.
The Role of Interleukin-10 Mediated Pathways During HIV Infection (John Kennedy)
Project Summary: Cytokines play an important role during the immune response since they mediate messages between immune cells that regulate immune responses. During viral infection, Th1, Th2, and pro-inflammatory cytokines play important roles in mediating antibody and cell mediated responses, and the inflammatory response. A proper balance of these cytokines is necessary for pathogen clearance, and cytokine imbalances may lead to the formation of an environment favorable to viral persistence, leading to chronic infection. Some cytokines regulate other cytokine secretions in complex ways, and often possess capabilities to promote viral persistence and progression. For example, IL-1O has been shown to mediate several cytokines, such as Th1, Th2, and pro-inflammatory cytokines, in ways that enhance or suppress HIV progression. Since HIV creates imbalances in each of these key cytokine classes, it may serve as an effective model to study how the IL-10 mediated cytokine pathway directs the immune response against chronic viral infection.
Honorable Mention
Abell, Bradley. "Non-Contact Measurements of Operating Deflection Shapes Using a Roving Broadband Air-Coupled Transducer." 2010.
False Memories: The Effect of Confidence Ratings... Also available online in the Journal of Gustavus Undergraduate Psychology (Katie Jensen)
This study sought to extend research on false memories by examining the influence of confidence ratings immediately following forced confabulation and memory implantation on subsequent free recall. All participants were asked a series of false-event questions, for some of these questions an experimenter provided a response (memory implantation), for others participants were forced to generate a response (forced confabulation). Half of the participants rated their confidence in their implanted and confabulated answers, thereby reflecting upon the misinformation, the balance did not rate their confidence. The results demonstrated that participants were more likely to falsely recall these items. Whereas, the confidence condition did not have any statistically significant results, it showed an interesting trend suggesting that reflection led to a higher rate of false recall only for implanted items.
Honorable Mentions
Tibstra, Anna. "A multi-gendered approach to the Xunantunich graffito." 2007.
Beckering, Taylor. "Chrysostom, Christology, and anti-Judaism: A response to Rosemary Ruether's Faith and Fratricide." 2008.
Silence in the Cloister: A Study of the Future of Sisterhood in the American Catholic Church (Adrienne Donath)
The number of religious sisters in America has declined precipitously since the mid-1960s, to the point that the continued stability of many traditional orders and their ministries is now in question. The purpose of this paper is to identify the primary sociological and institutional reasons for the collapse of sisterhood in America, to track the current direction of the vocation, and to propose a plan for how religious communities might respond to the current membership crisis.
Honorable Mention
Sellers, Nathan. "A First-Amendment Analysis of Hate-Crime Laws: Revisiting Wisconsin v. Mitchell and Recommending Change." 2005.
American Protestantism and its Impact Upon the Desire of its Members to Seek Congressional Office (Daniel Pioske)
Religion does influence a member of Congress who claims a religious affiliation, and its impact cannot be neglected. Due to the influence religious beliefs exert on the individual, this study postulates that denomination?s distinctive attributes either enhance or decrease the desire to seek Congressional office. The way in which this relationship will be analyzed is through an investigation into four Protestant denominations. Protestantism in the United States, due to its prominent place in American politics and the plurality of its religious traditions, provides the most compelling evidence of the influence a denomination has upon the political motivations of its members.
1st Honorable Mention
Grace, Andrew. "Repentance and the Gothic: Religion in Three Related Novels by the Bronte Sisters." 2003.
2nd Honorable Mention
Hanson, Sarah E. "Anti-Judaism and the Gospel of John." 2003.
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