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LCA Collection 029. Vasa Children's Home. Collection of the Vasa Children's Home, 1865-1997
LCA Collection 114. Lakeside Bible Class. Records of Lakeside Bible Class, Oshawa Township, Minnesota, 1908-1940
LCA Collection 119. Records of Bethany Home, Alexandria, Minnesota, 1913-1976
LCA Collection 123. Augustana Lutheran Church. Red River Valley Conference. Women’s Organizations of the Red River Valley Conference, 1913-1962
LCA Collection 133. Augustana Colonization Association. Collection of the Augustana Colonization Association, 1873-1927
LCA Collection 150. Financial Records of Warren Hospital and Emmaus Lutheran Home, Warren, Minnesota, 1953-1980
LCA Collection 152. Collection of the Bethphage Mission, Axtell, Nebraska, 1914-1970
LCA Collection 169. Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary. Collection of the Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1920-1975
LCA Collection 171. Lutheran Church Library Association. Collection of the Lutheran Church Library Association, 1933-2002
LCA Collection 219. The Evergreens Society. Record Book of The Evergreens Society, 1963-1977
LCA Collection 259. United Lutheran Church in America. English Evangelical Synod of the Northwest. Materials of the Minnesota State Luther League, 1899-1962
LCA Collection 266. Augustana Lutheran Church. Collection of Luther Leagues from the Minnesota and Red River Valley Conferences, 1896-1966
LCA Collection 272. United Lutheran Church in America. English Evangelical Synod of the Northwest. Women’s Missionary Society, 1941-1955
LCA Collection 273. United Lutheran Church in America. Foreign Missions of the United Lutheran Church in America, 1919-1961
LCA Collection 274. Lutheran Church in America. Foreign Missions of the Lutheran Church in America, 1962-1984
LCA Collection 275. Augustana Lutheran Church. Foreign Missions of the Augustana Lutheran Church, 1922-1984
LCA Collection 276. Collection of Foreign Missions of Various Lutheran Church Bodies, 1862-1990
LCA Collection 282. Augustana Lutheran Church. Women’s Organizations of the Augustana Lutheran Church, 1913-1962
LCA Collection 283. Lutheran Church in America. Women’s Organizations of the Lutheran Church in America, 1971-1986
LCA Collection 284. Lutheran Church in America. Minnesota and Red River Valley Synods. Women’s Organizations of the Minnesota and Red River Valley Synods, 1961-1987
LCA Collection 285. Augustana Lutheran Church. Minnesota Conference. Women’s Organizations of the Minnesota Conference, 1907-1969
LCA Collection 286. Lutheran Church in America. Board of American Missions. Collection of the Board of American Missions, 1965
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