These primary source publications are located on the library's lower level. Magazines and Journals are organized alphabetically.
Atlantic Monthly, 1858-present
This general interest magazine contains literary, political, and cultural commentary.
Harper's, 1850 - present
This general interest periodical contains articles about politics, literature, culture, the arts, and finance.
Littell's Living Age / Living Age, 1860-1892
This news and opinion magazine contains articles on world news and culture, book reviews, and poetry.
North American Review, 1829 - present
This literary magazine contains essays, book reviews, poetry, and short stories.
The library's microfilm collection is located on the south end of the lower level. Look for the metal file cabinets on the Beck Hall side.
Slave narratives a folk history of slavery in the United States from interviews with former slaves : typewritten records
Microfilm E444 .S53
American women's diaries from the collection of the American Antiquarian Society
Microfilm CT3260 .A64 1984
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