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E/M 367: Entrepreneurship II: Demographic Data

More Demographic Data

"New Strategist" publishes several titles related to demographics:

  • American Incomes: Demographics of Who Has Money
  • American Time Use: Who Spends How Long at What
  • Baby Boomers: Americans Born 1946-1964
  • Millenials: Americans Born 1977-1994
  • Older Americans: A Changing Market
The library owns these titles and other titles published by New Strategist are available via Interlibrary Loan.

Questions to Consider

When looking for statistics, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Who/what would collect statistics on my topic?
    Governments tend to collect many kinds of statistics as do news organizations, polling places, institutes, think tanks and researchers also collect data.
  • How would statistics on my topic be made public?
    You can find statistics in a number of places, both in print and online. Not every statistic is publicly available, however.
  • What possible barriers might prevent me from finding statistics on my topic?
    Statistics for your topic might not be public or available in a neat package. There might be language barriers. Data may simply not have been collected on your topic.

Demographic Statistics


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Michelle Twait
Library, main floor - Room 212

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