"New Strategist" publishes several titles related to demographics:
American Incomes: Demographics of Who Has Money
American Time Use: Who Spends How Long at What
Baby Boomers: Americans Born 1946-1964
Millenials: Americans Born 1977-1994
Older Americans: A Changing Market
The library owns these titles and other titles published by New Strategist are available via Interlibrary Loan.
Questions to Consider
When looking for statistics, ask yourself these questions:
Who/what would collect statistics on my topic? Governments tend to collect many kinds of statistics as do news organizations, polling places, institutes, think tanks and researchers also collect data.
How would statistics on my topic be made public? You can find statistics in a number of places, both in print and online. Not every statistic is publicly available, however.
What possible barriers might prevent me from finding statistics on my topic? Statistics for your topic might not be public or available in a neat package. There might be language barriers. Data may simply not have been collected on your topic.
Demographic Statistics
County and City Data Book - Ref HA 202 .A36
Contains social, economic and political statistics on cities and counties within the United States.
This is perhaps the single most useful small package of statistical information available. It includes hundreds of tables of figures on population, economics, social factors, etc., with references to the original sources. An index to the tables provide essay access. The print volume at the Reference Desk (Ready Ref) is the most current. A web version (current to 2012) can be found at Census.gov.
The source for statistical data collected by the United States government on the U.S. population. Browse or search by topic or click "QuickFacts" for state and county profiles.
Use the Community Profiles link to access demographic reports, business climate data, livibility information, and labor/workforce statistics for cities and regions in Minnesota. (From the MN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development)