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FTS: Food, Television, and the Pleasures of Consumption: Start


This guide contains resources to help you find and evaluate sources, as well as general information about using the Library. Take some time to wander the space, get to know various study areas and browse our books, movies and magazines.

  • Don't hesitate to ask if you've got questions! Send me an email - I enjoy helping you solve any research problems you have. We can work via email or set up a virtual or in person time to chat.
  • You can also find library and research help at the library's Information Desk or via Reference Services.
  • Use the Getting Started tab (above) when you dive into your project; consult the entire guide at all steps during the research process.

Since you are new to the library, consult our Library FAQs for answers to all kinds of questions. We also have a guide on how to do research well - use it to brush up and expand your research skills! And since everyone can use a refresher on how to find books in the library, we have a guide for that, too.

Finding Books

To find books in our library, search the Library Catalog - you can also search directly via  the search box on the library's homepage. We also have a guide that further explains how to search the catalog and find books in the library.

When you find books that look useful, write down the Call Number. Your book will have this call number on its spine label. Most - but not all - books are in the General Collection. Use the information below to figure out where your book lives:

General Collection, call numbers A - PQ  are on the Third Floor 

General Collection, call numbers PR - Z are on the Second (Main) Floor

Oversize are on the Third Floor, Beck Hall side

Reference are on the Second (Main) Floor, Beck Hall side

Browsing are on the Second (Main) Floor near the entrance

Young Adult & Children's Books are on the First Floor 

AV materials (DVDs, etc) are on the First Floor

Once you are in the right area, signs on the sides of the shelves will direct you further. The system is a little tricky to figure out at first, so don't hesitate to ask for directions at the Information Desk (main floor of the library).

Browse the shelves when you find a useful book. Books are shelved according to topic, so chances are you'll find other relevant books nearby.

You can check books out at the Information Desk. This page has information about loan periods, renewals, etc. 

Finding Articles

To find articles, try the databases listed at the bottom of this box, which will connect you with all kinds of sources. Be persistent, try various search terms, and above all, ask for help if you're stuck. Since there is so much information available, it's easy to get lost when searching for articles. Send me an email with any questions or to set up a time to meet.

Searching: Try a variety of search terms. Once you've found some articles, you'll probably need to narrow your results. Browse results to see how the experts in the field are discussing your topic. This will give you ideas on how to shape your topic. Use the Search Tips tab at the top of this guide for strategies. You should also pay attention to the kind of sources you're finding to make sure you're using the right source for your research:

  • Newspapers are good for very specific news items or recent events.
  • Magazine articles reflect a popular approach to issues and are often short and simple in style.
  • Articles in academic journals report on research and are sometimes quite long and complex. Concentrate on the abstract (a one-paragraph summary that sometimes is at the beginning of the article), the introduction, and the last paragraphs. 

Finding Full Text: When articles are not available as PDF or HTML files, there's a yellow "find it!" button that will search for the article in other databases or offer you a chance to get a copy from another library, a process that usually takes a day or two and is FREE for you. Consult the Tracking Down Materials tab for more information. 



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Julie Gilbert
If you have any questions about research, an assignment, or the library in general, please contact me. I look forward to working with you!

Gah! I need help!

Research can be both exciting and frustrating. Fortunately, there are lots of people on campus who can help.

  • Check with your professor if you aren't sure how to approach your assignment or want a second opinion on sources and strategies.
  • Stop by the Writing Center at any point during the process for expert advice from your talented peers.
  • The Academic Support Center can help with issues such as time management and organization.
  • Connect with librarians for any and all research questions. There are many ways to get in touch with us. 

You can always email Julie with any questions or to schedule a meeting. I'm happy to help with any and all of your research questions. Or if you just want to chat about your topic & create a strategy for searching, we can do that, too. 

Library Session Slides

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