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FTS: Animal Minds: Finding Books

Books on Animal Minds

On this tab, you'll find:  Select books on animal minds and specific animals, and tips on finding and using books effectively.  Looking for more books? Search the library catalogNeed assistance? Librarians can help!

Finding Books

To find books in our library, search the Library Catalog - you can also search directly via  the search box on the library's homepage. Use our guide to finding books for more on how to use the online catalog and find books on the shelves.

When you find books that look useful, write down the Collection & the Call Number.

-General Collection A - PQ: Third Floor
-General Collection PR - Z: Second (Main) Floor
-Oversize: Third Floor, Beck Hall side
-Reference: Second (Main) Floor, Beck Hall side
-Browsing: Second (Main) Floor near the entrance
-Young Adult & Children's: First Floor
-AV materials (DVDs, etc): First Floor

Once you're in the right area, signs on the sides of the shelves will direct you further. The system is a little tricky to figure out at first, so don't hesitate to ask for directions at the Information Desk (main floor of the library).

Browse the shelves when you find a useful book. Books are shelved according to topic, so chances are you'll find other relevant books nearby. For instance, for the Animal Finds FTS, you might browse in the BF660-685 (Comparative Psychology) section or the QL (Zoology) section.

You can check books out at the Information Desk.

Using Books Effectively

Sometimes people shy away from books because they are longer to read than a journal article. Many disciplines still publish current research in books, so you don't want to miss out on key resources by ignoring books. There are some tricks you can use to understand a book's structure and argument, so you DON'T have to read the whole thing.

  • Browse the table of contents 
  • Read the book's introduction/first chapter AND conclusion/last chapter - these present and highlight the main arguments
  • The end of chapter one will often provide a roadmap for the rest of the book
  • Skim chapter headings
  • Browse the index to look at the topics discussed

Once you have a good idea of the book's structure and argument through skimming, you can narrow in on the portions of the text most useful for your research.

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