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Teaching WRITL Courses: Faculty Development Materials


On this page you'll find resources from recent Library faculty development workshops. Feel free to contact any librarian to discuss any of these materials further. If you'd like to schedule a faculty development workshop related to the library, research or information literacy, please reach out to us. We love talking about these issues and are available to meet at individual or department (or broader) levels to chat further.

Teachers Talking, April 26, 2024

Topic: Designing Research Assignments for Teaching Information Literacy

Teachings Talking, February 21, 2023

Topic: Designing Research Assignments for Teaching Information Literacy

New Faculty Retreat, January 25, 2023

Teachers Talking, March 5, 2020

Topic: Helping Students with the Research Process

Writ-L Workshop, January 28, 2020

Topic: Getting a Head Start on Teaching WRITL

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