Biblical commentaries are a category of texts that, as their name implies, provides commentary on biblical passages. They define terms, discuss major themes, and identify how a particular collection of verses fits within the larger book. There are a few key ways to find biblical commentaries in our library. The first is to use the commentaries that are in the Reference section, listed below. The second way is to search the library catalog to find commentaries in the General Collection - as a bonus, you can check these out!
This includes multi-volume series where each volume is a commentary on a book of the Bible, as well as separately published commentaries on individual Biblical books.
Here's the best way to search the catalog for commentaries: go to the Advanced Search screen. Enter the word "commentaries" in on search box, and set the drop down menu to Subject. Then enter the name of your book of the Bible (like Matthew) in another search box. Then search & see what you find.
This series of commentaries covers books from the OT and NT. These are shelved together in the general collection. Note that some books may be covered in two volumes, numbered 40 and 40A.
This is a series of commentaries on different books of the Bible. To locate these, search in the catalog for the series title and the title of a book of the Bible (ex. "Hermeneia" and "Hosea").
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