There are a number of places where you can find information related to your course topic: academic articles, books, and Native news sources. The resources on this page will help you complete tasks for the library session, but they will also help you delve into the literature surrounding the course topic. You're especially encouraged to explore Native news sites.
Search library databases to get access to scholarly articles. You will probably find a lot of information (but sometimes you find no information!). Be persistent, try various search terms, and above all, ask for help if you're stuck. Read the database descriptions to make sure you know which field you're searching.
To find books in our library, search the Library Catalog - you can also search directly via the search box on the library's homepage. Use our guide to finding books for more on how to use the online catalog and find books on the shelves.
When you find books that look useful, write down the Collection & the Call Number.
General Collection, call numbers A - PQ are on the Third Floor
General Collection, call numbers PR - Z are on the Second (Main) Floor
Oversize are on the Third Floor, Beck Hall side
Reference are on the Second (Main) Floor, Beck Hall side
Browsing are on the Second (Main) Floor near the entrance
Young Adult & Children's Books are on the First Floor
AV materials (DVDs, etc) are on the First Floor
Once you are in the right area, signs on the sides of the shelves will direct you further. The system is a little tricky to figure out at first, so don't hesitate to ask for directions at the Information Desk (main floor of the library).
Browse the shelves when you find a useful book. Books are shelved according to topic, so chances are you'll find other relevant books nearby. You can check books and other materials out at the Information Desk. This page has information about loan periods, renewals, etc.
These resources will connect you to Native news sources. These are just a small sample of the content available from Native journalists and podcasters, so also try some google searches to find more.
News Sites
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