In general, you'll find sources that fall into two categories: those written by scholars for other academics and students (or what we call scholarly sources) and more accessible sources that are written for a general audience. In both cases, you want to make sure you're finding sources written by experts. Typically in academia, we define experts as those who have studied a topic in depth and have earned degrees. We can also talk about expertise in other ways, especially in terms of lived experience. Keep these concepts of expertise in mind as you search.
To find books in our library, search the Library Catalog - you can also search directly via the search box on the library's homepage. You can also browse for books about North Africa on the top floor of the library in the DT160-330 call number range. (Chapel side of the library; look for tags on the sides of the shelves to direct you further or ask at the Information Desk.)
When you find books that look useful, write down the Collection & the Call Number.
General Collection, call numbers A - PQ are on the Third Floor
General Collection, call numbers PR - Z are on the Second (Main) Floor
Oversize are on the Third Floor, Beck Hall side
Reference are on the Second (Main) Floor, Beck Hall side
Browsing are on the Second (Main) Floor near the entrance
Young Adult & Children's Books are on the First Floor
AV materials (DVDs, etc) are on the First Floor
Once you are in the right area, signs on the sides of the shelves will direct you further. The system is a little tricky to figure out at first, so don't hesitate to ask for directions at the Information Desk (main floor of the library).
Browse the shelves when you find a useful book. Books are shelved according to topic, so chances are you'll find other relevant books nearby.
You can check books out at the Information Desk. This page has information about loan periods, renewals, etc. And this page gives even more detail about finding books in our library.
Some of these databases will contain sources that are both scholarly and also those written for a more general audience. Some databases will also have working papers or reports, data, and maps. Be sure that you know which type of source you're using (this Source Types page will help you decode sources). I also strongly encourage you to read the descriptions for each database and be sure to use ones that provide coverage for your topic.
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