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A Guide to Sociology: General


    • Internet Crossroads in Social Science Data 2007
      Offers over 700 annotated links to data sources available on the Internet. Searchable by keyword or browseable by category, the site includes links to government and non-government sites concerned with domestic and international economics and labor, health, education, geography and history, politics, sociology, and demography. From the Data and Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    • SocioSite 1996-2007
      A host of links arranged in 18 categories and, within those categories, by country. Of particular note are the sections on sociologists, subjects in sociology, and data archives. Maintained at the University of Amsterdam by Albert Benschop.
    • Intute: Social Science 2006
      A selective, annotated catalog of thousands of Web sites in the social sciences, hosted in the United Kingdom. Users can browse by topic and region or search by keyword. Each entry has been reviewed and is annotated. The focus is on quality sites that provide information directly, rather than link to other sites. An excellent resource for international social science data.


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Dan Mollner

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