Archival sources. The College & Lutheran Church Archives offers a wide variety of unique resources including campus records, manuscript collections, student theses, college newspapers, yearbooks, and photographs.
Artifacts. The Minnesota Historical Society's Artifact Collection contains more than 225,000 artifacts dating from 1,000 years ago to the present. The collection consists primarily of objects made or used in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest.
Artwork. ARTstor Digital Library is a subscription database providing over 1.5 million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences
Maps. The Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL) Map Collection offers over 2,400 online maps in digital form. Organized primarily by region and country, this site also includes maps of current interest, linked to world events.
Oral Histories. The American Folklife Center, housed at the Library of Congress, was created to "preserve and present American folklife" through programs of research, documentation, archival preservation, reference service, live performance, exhibitions, publications, and training. Included in their collection are some oral histories.
Photographs. The Minnesota Digital Library is a searchable collection of images and primary sources from libraries, archives, historical societies, and museums across Minnesota.
Zines. We have a small collection of zines located on the lower level of the Library.
Sample Books Available in the Gustavus Library
Adolescent Literacy in the Academic Disciplines by Tamara L. Jetton (Editor); Cynthia Hynd Shanahan (Editor)
ISBN: 9781462502837
Publication Date: 2012-01-22
Disciplinary and Content Literacy for Today's Adolescents, Sixth Edition by William G. Brozo
ISBN: 9781462530083
Publication Date: 2017-04-25
Engaging Students in Disciplinary Literacy, K-6 by Cynthia H. Brock; Virginia J. Goatley; Taffy E. Raphael; Elisabeth Trost-Shahata; Catherine M. Weber
ISBN: 9780807755273
Publication Date: 2014-04-30
Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas by Sharon Kane
A useful guide to nearly 6,000 books and 73 awards. Users can search by the reader's age, the story's setting, historical period, ethnicity of characters, and other variables.
The titles highlighted in these lists "were evaluated and selected by a Book Review Committee appointed by National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and assembled in cooperation with the Children's Book Council (CBC)."