A handy guide with examples from the Purdue Online Writing Lab.
Additional Resources for Classroom Use. (2011). Theory Into Practice, 50(2), 165–170.
Friedland, E. S., McMillen, S. E., & Hill, P. del P. (2011). Collaborating to Cross the Mathematics-Literacy Divide: An Annotated Bibliography of Literacy Strategies for Mathematics Classrooms.. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(1), 57–66.
Johnson, D. (2001). An Annotated Bibliography of Second Language Acquisition in Adult English Language Learners. National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education, n.p.
Johnson, N. J., & Giorgis, C. (2003). Literature in the Reading Curriculum. Reading Teacher, 56(7), 704–712.
Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students. (2021). Science Teacher, 88(3), 59–66.
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