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HIS 141 / GWS 141: Women in the U.S.: Microfilm

Where are the Microfilms

The microfilm machine and the microfilms are located on the library's first floor in the southwest corner.




Bottom image from the College and Lutheran Church Archives, Digital Collections, College Photographs

Microfilm Collections at Gustavus

  • American Culture Series
    Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International 1979 
    A large collections of microfilmed books and pamphlets, with a printed index to its contents.
    • Location(s): Shelved in Microfilm Area - 1st floor under Reprint Series Ref Z 1215 .A583 
  • American Women's Diaries
    New Canaan, CT: Readex 1984 
    This collection of microfilm reproduces the diaries of women who lived and traveled in the western U.S., New England, and the South.
    • Location(s): Microfilm Area - 1st floor - CT 3260 .A64 1984
  • The Cornell University Collection of Women's Rights Pamphlets
    Wooster, MN: Bell & Howell 1974 
    This collection of microfiche contains 117 pamphlets published between 1814 and 1912.
    • Location(s): Microfilm Area - 1st floor - Microfiche HQ 1236 .C675 1974 


Profile Photo
Jeff Jenson
You can find me in the College and Lutheran Church Archives, the offices above the library's main entrance.
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