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HIS 298 Queer Histories - Challenge Seminar: LGBTQ Speculative Fiction for HIS 298

LGBTQ Authors of Speculative Fiction


"Queers Destroy Fantasy! Special Issue" - Fantasy magazine, December 2015
"I yearned for these other worlds where magic empowered people who understood it because I wanted to change my world, or my place in it. I wanted to either be more visible, seen for who I am in my entirety and respected for it, because magic-wielder, right? Or else I wanted to be even more invisible, protected from a world that would attempt to damage or destroy me if others knew I was unlike them. That I was other. That I was queer." "Of course, queers don’t really 'destroy fantasy.' (How can you destroy your breath of life?) But we do destroy certain fantasies. We destroy the fantasy of compulsory heterosexuality. We destroy the oppression of the closet, that monstrous cabinet of enforced incuriosity. We destroy the fantasy that everybody is a cisgendered/missionary-position/lifelong-monogamous/heterosexual-until-otherwise-proven-fabulous person. So yes, we destroy. Those fantasies deserve their ignominious deaths." - guest editorials

Individual Authors and Books

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