Books are shelved in general subject categories using the Library of Congress classification system. You may want to supplement your use of the catalog with browsing shelf areas for your topic. Below is a brief listing of some of the subject locations in the field of anthropology.
- BF 712-720 Developmental Psychology
- L Education (General)
- LA History of Education
- LB Theory and Practice of Education
- 51-1050.7 Teaching (principles and practices)
- 1050.9-1091 Educational Psychology
- 1101-1139 Child study
- 1140-1140.5 Preschool
- 1141-1489 Kindergarten
- 1501-1547 Primary Education
- 1555-1602 Elementary or secondary school education
- 1603-1695 Secondary Education, High Schools
- 1705-2286 Education and training of teachers
- 2801-3095 School administration and organization
- LC Special aspects of education
- 65-245 Social aspects of education
- 1390-5158 Education of special classes of persons
- LD, LE, LF, LG Individual institutions: universities, colleges, and schools
- LH College and school magazines and papers