Books are shelved in general subject categories using the Library of Congress classification system. You may want to supplement your use of the catalog with browsing shelf areas for your topic. Below is a brief listing of some of the subject locations in the field of economics/management.
- BJ Ethics
- HB Economics
- HC Economic History and Conditions, by Country
- HD Economic History and Conditions
- 28-88 Production (Including Industrial Management)
- 101-1395 Land Use
- 1401-2210 Agriculture
- 2321-4730.9 Industry
- 2709-2932 Corporations, Cartels, Trusts
- 2951-3575 Industrial Cooperation
- 3611-4730 The State and Industrial Organization
- 4801-8943 Labor Issues
- HF Commerce
- 5001-6182 Business. Business Administration
- 5549-5549.5 Personnel Administration
- 5601-5689 Accounting
- 5801-6182 Advertising
- HG Finance
- 201-1496 Money
- 1501-4000 Banking, Credit
- 4001-4289.7 Financial Management
- 4501-6051 Stocks, Investment, Speculation
- 8011-9999 Insurance
- HJ Public Finance
- HX Socialism
- JF 1321-2112 Government Administration
- K Law