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Indigenous Peoples: Africa, Australia, New Zealand


This page will connect you with resources related to the indigenous peoples of Africa, Australia and New Zealand. For help locating books in the library, consult this guide and/or ask for directions at the library's information desk. If you have resources to suggest, please feel free to email us. Finally, although you'll find a wealth of information here, this guide is not intended to be comprehensive. Please search the library's catalog or chat with a librarian to find additional resources.

We'd also like to draw your attention to issues revolving around naming. Searching for information about indigenous peoples can be complicated by the politics of naming. Do catalogers use the word Sami, Sapmi, or Lapp? What about Eskimo versus Inuit? Dakota or Sioux? Ojibwe, Anisinaabe, or Chippewa? As you search, be aware that the names of groups have changed over time and subject headings or database descriptors may use a name that seems incorrect or even offensive. 


Rabbit-Proof Fence
Audio-visual PN1997.2 .R33 2003
"If the government kidnapped you, would you walk the 1500 miles back home? In 1931, three half-caste children from Western Australia did just that. 14-year-old Molly (Everlyn Sampi), her 8-year-old sister Daisy (Tianna Sansbury), and their 10-year-old cousin Gracie (Laura Monaghan), all fathered by itinerant white workers, are stolen from their Aborigine mothers and sent to an institution to be trained into "white" Australians. Told they have no mothers, the girls revolt, escape, and begin the long walk home-all 1,500 miles-navigating by following the fence built across the nation to stem the spread of rabbits."

Milking the Rhino
Audio Visual HC800.Z65 M55 2008
"Chronicles the forgotten element of most nature documentaries of Africa--the villagers who live there and must deal with the dangers and costs associated with living with the wildlife."

Vanishing Cultures: Bushmen of the Kalahari
Audio Visual DT1058.S36 V24 2005
"The film takes a look at the "fascinating history, brutal struggles and daunting challenges the Bushmen face in the 21st century."



Australia and New Zealand

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