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A Guide to Energy Geography: Current Events

Current Events

An energy geography lens can help us make sense of the world around us. This page highlights resources that can help deepen our understanding of current events.

Russia-Ukraine Crisis

COVID-19 Pandemic

Oppenheimer Resources

Amidst all the buzz about the 2023 Oppenheimer movie, you might want to learn more about Oppenheimer, the development of the atomic bomb, its devastating effects, and the ethical debates surrounding it . You can start by perusing the selected resources on our Oppenheimer resources library blog post.

Newspapers (Online)

Current Events (Minnesota & the US)

Note: If you hit a "paywall" using the newspaper sites listed below (e.g., Minneapolis Star Tribune, The New York Times, The Washington Post), try searching in one of our subscription newspaper databases instead: Access World News or ProQuest Newsstream.

Current Events (Europe & International)

Note: If you hit a "paywall" using the newspaper sites listed below (e.g., Al Jazeera, The Guardian), try searching in one of our subscription newspaper databases instead: Access World News or ProQuest Newsstream.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License