On this page, you'll find a wealth of information on the broad topic of inclusive teaching, including resources from our library, the education literature, and other institutions. While some materials are geared for K-12 classrooms (and can be adapted), most are related to higher education. For help locating books in the library, consult this guide and/or ask for directions at the library's information desk. You may also want to search the library's catalog or chat with a librarian to find additional resources.
Finally, if you have resources to suggest for this guide, please feel free to email us and we'll add them.
We recommend these sites on inclusive teaching from various faculty development centers. Most sites point to additional resources, so you'll find plenty of inspiration.
While licensing agreements prevent us from posting most articles directly on this page, we've indicated if the article is available through one of our databases or if you'll need to request it via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). If an article comes from an open source site, the link will take you directly to the article. Descriptions are taken from the abstract. Clicking the link will bring you to the full citation.
This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0