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A Guide to Political Science: Start


Welcome to the library guide for conducting research in Political Science! Political science examines the relationship between people and governments by exploring political institutions and systems, political theory, and human behavior. Students of political science will need to be able to find facts, statistics, and current events news as well as analysis of issues in political science. This guide will help you with all of those tasks.

We have a few other guides that might help you with your research:

Reference Services

Librarians are here to help you with your research. We can suggest appropriate resources to search, help you troubleshoot any issues, or simply brainstorm about your topic and ways to explore it. We look forward to connecting with you!

There are multiple ways to connect with a librarian, ranging from in person to email to online meetings. Our Reference Services page has more information; here are the main options:

  • Make an appointment with me or any librarian. We offer appointments both in person and online.
  • Chat with a librarian 24/7 - you can always get help from an information professional!
  • E-mail: (please include your name and the best way to contact you)
  • Fill out the Research Next Steps form; a librarian will respond with research suggestions and advice
  • Email Julie directly. I'm familiar with disciplinary sources (like article databases) in this area of study and happy to help you with your work.
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Courses in Political Science

Your course might also have a separate library guide - be sure to browse the list below! 


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Julie Gilbert
If you have any questions about research, an assignment, or the library in general, please contact me. I look forward to working with you!

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0